

とてもためになる動画と出会ったので、備忘的に。 日本昔話をギャル語に訳した結果wwww - YouTube 云わずもがな、ギャル語=チャラいという先入観と、昔話というある種の生真面目なトピックとのミスマッチ、ギャップが可笑しみを産み出しています。 ギャップ…

Tokyo Sky Viewing

Yesterday was the final day of our summer vacation. We came up with taking lunch at St Luke's sky garden. We have been there 2 years ago, for we've lived Tsukishima-town near there for a few month. The lunch was perfect! We enjoyed yum-yum…


お盆 ケーキ各種 極厚切りベーコンサンド

anti anti aging

inspiring gif! "Anti aging".. it's popular among Japanese people though, I am against that concept. Respect to the person who live his/her own life as it is! ..Of course it's difficult I know ( ´△`)


playing around the beach is always so much fun! We visited the beach of the sea of Japan to have a BBQ party with my wife's friends. It might be the first time for me to play in the sea of Japan. It was very different from what the sound o…


I've read so great and really inspiring weblog last night! mmm.. I used to be a kind of "wannabe".. then there is no reason to hesitate writing my things in English here. In fact, I sometimes feel it's easy to express things inside my head…


今日から夏休み! まずはずーーっとやりたかった、ベランダ掃除をしました。 高圧洗浄機(ケルヒャー)をゲットして、どばばーっと。 手や腕はくたびれたけど、気持ちはとてもスッキリ! ケルヒャーは2回目でコツつかんだ感じ。 とりあえず、夏休み初日はや…